Abstract: There are various kinds of modern business transactions today, one of which is transactions in supermarkets. Buying and selling in supermarkets uses electronic media called "barcodes" making it easier for consumers to transact. This transaction is called a bai'mu'athah transaction. The problems in this study are How is the Implementation of Buying and Selling with the Mu'athah System? And how is buying and selling with the Mu'athah system according to the views of the Ulama? The purpose of this research is to describe buying and selling with the Mu'athah system. To examine and find out the Mu'athah system from the perspective of Sharia Economic Law. This research includes field research, which is research that is directly conducted in the field or on respondents. In addition, this research also uses library research, which is research that uses literature, both in the form of Islamic law books (fiqh books, compilations of sharia economic law, scientific journals, and supported by the results of interviews from sources, namely consumers and minimarket employees of Indomaret and Alfamart with an ushul fiqh approach with the theory of benefit and the theory of Maslahah Mursalah. The practice of buying and selling in mu'athah among scholars there are different views. Some scholars say that mu'athah buying and selling is invalid because buying and selling is prescribed to use ijab and qabul. Meanwhile, some other scholars say that mu'athah buying and selling is valid because requiring absolute ijab and kabul in every buying and selling contract at the present time is felt to be ineffective, sometimes even slowing down the implementation of transactions.</p>
Keywords: Sale and purchase, mua'thah, scholarsFull Text:
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Indonesian Journal of Sharia Economic Law (IJSELAW) is a scientific journal published by Master of Sharia Economic Law.
Master of Sharia Economic Law, graduate program, State Islamic University Raden Intan Lampung.
JL. Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Email: [email protected]